Wednesday 23 July 2014


Ayurvedicconsultation  for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder characterized by hallucination and delusion. In Ayurveda it is classified under unmade.

Psychic stress and strain are primarily responsible for the causation of the disease. Irregularity in food and constipation often aggravate the condition.

The signs and symptoms vary considerably in different types of schizophrenia. The patient is unable to sleep, talks and acts incoherently, and often becomes violent.


Dhara is considered to be the best therapy for this condition; normally kshirbala taila is used in dhara. This oil is kept in a vessel over the forehead of the patient and the vessel is adjusted in such a way that continuous drops of this medicated oil fall from the bottom of the vessel onto the place between the two eyebrows of the patient. This should be done once daily. By this process the patient sleeps well and recovers from the disease slowly. Jatamansi , vacha and sarpagandha are popularly used for this disease. In powder form, these are given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful or in a compound three times a day with milk or cold water. This brings about tranquility of mind.

Vatakulantaka rasa is also used for the treatment of this condition. It is mercurial preparation which is used in a dose of one tablet three times a day mixed with honey.


Pulses, beans, and fried things should be avoided. Milk, ghee and butter should be given to the patient in sufficiently large quantity. Pungent and astringent things are not useful in this condition. Saffron is very useful.

Other regimens

Since it is primarily a psychic disease, psycho- therapy is considered to be the ideal treatment. The patient should be induced to offer prayers and observe religious rites. Meditation serves a very useful purpose in curing these patients. Factors which are responsible for psychic stress and strain should be ascertained and removed.


According to Ayurveda, disease can be grouped into three categories depending upon the affliction of the mind and the body. They are:
Depending upon the dominance of doshas –vattav, pitta and kapha and their combined form  Apasamar is of four  types.

The fifth type is yoshaapasmar, which is commonly known as Hysteria.
This type is more prevalent among women. Various type of psychic stress is considered to be the cause of this disease and the heart interlinked with mind is   primarily affected. Some physical factor like constipation and impairments of digestion are precipitating factors.

Treatment of Epilepsy

The aim of Ayurvedic treatment of this condition is to correct the nervous system and strengthen the heart. Brahmi and vacha are the two choice medicinal plants which Ayurvedic physicians use for treatments of this condition. Both these plants grow in marshy lands, especially near the sides of rivulets and streams. The entire plant of Brahmi is used in medicine whereas only the rhizome or the underground portion of vacha is used. Stems and leaves of brahmi are thick and juicy and they do not dry easily. Therefore the juice of this plant is used.

For the Treatment of schizophrenia and Epilepsy contact
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia

Wednesday 16 July 2014



FREQUENT bouts of headache that often lead to vomiting, nausea, sensitivity to heat, light or sound and dizziness, migraine can be debilitated ailments that can wreck the quality of your life often force to stay  indoors and impact your productivity . Many people often lose out 10- 15 productive hours to migraine headache every week. Many other ignore the problem as in our general perception , it is not considered as serious as other diseases.

With effective medical intervention and treatment, chronic migraine can be treated and controlled, Medication, nutritional supplements, life style alterations and avoiding the migraine triggers can help a lot.

The disease

Chronic Migraine is the term referred to migraine headaches that have lasted more than three months. Some people continue to live with them for year's altogether. The pain is marked by frequent spills of headache on one side of the head. It is a pulsating throbbing sensation which aggravates from moderate to severe. This is usually aggravated by stress and other triggers that vary from person to person.

The disorder is more common in people who are in the profession of higher intelligence such as doctors, lawyers, scientists and invariably it is women, who are more prone to it than men. Chronic migraine is most prevalent in people between 20 and 50 years of age and as many as 70 percent of the sufferers are women. Hormonal changes make women more prone to the disease. Migraine headaches results from combinations of blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerves that causes the sympathetic nervous system to respond with feelings of nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting often these can be debilitated and lead to sensitivity towards light and sound in the sufferers. In extreme cases, such people avoid going into crowded places and like to be left in alone in a dark room.

We are encountering cases of childhood migraine as well as school children are also coming with the complaint of chronic migraine. The symptoms in children are lack of concentration, abdominal pain and giddiness. According to World health organization , 303 million people world wide were migraines or migraine sufferers .

Chronic migraine sufferers often reach a state where popping in commonly available painkillers does not help; usually a combination of specific medicines is required then to be taken throughout the day to keep a check on their recurrent headache. Migraine headaches cause severe pain from hours to days and it is so severe that all you think about is finding a dark place .

The cause of migraine headache is unknown. The most supported theory is that it is related to hyper excitability of the cerebral cortex and abnormal control of pain neurons in the Trigeminal Nucleus of the brain stem.


Nutritional supplementation
Lifestyle alteration
Avoid acidity

For more information regarding Ayurvedic Treatments contact
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia
Call: +91-9215567044

What is Ayurveda        Enlarged Prostrate Treatment      Low Blood Pressure Treatment by Ayurveda

Friday 11 July 2014


Every woman wants to be beautiful, charming and loved for. It is a fact that not even the most rapid women’s liberation propaganda can efface entirely. The timeless effort and money poured into this endeavor is daunting, but as so often happens, the thing you most desire may be right in front of you on your kitchen shelves to be precise.

Acne Skin Care 
Ayurveda has a variety of beauty treatments, whose most remarkable feature is that they are all common kitchen ingredients that don’t cost more than a few rupees. So get to it and buy yourself a beautiful body right from your friendly, across the street grocer.



One of the most beautiful and simple beauty therapies is Ubtan, which is a paste customarily made out of gram flour and curd. Ubtan is the common housewife’s answer to a prayer, because it can cure almost any problem you set your mind to.

Complexion care
Whether dark or fair, colour is nature’s gift and one must accept it. But let’s not get fatalistic about it. At least not when ubtan is around.
1. Take one spoon of gram flour and mix it with one spoon of curd, or alternatively milk. 
2. Lightly massage your face with it for a period of five minutes and then let it dry for ten minutes. 3. Wash it off with water. 
Reputed to make your skin shimmer and glow like moonlight on still water. 
This is most effective when practiced twice a day. In the morning before you bath and in the evening before you go to sleep. You could also try mixing gram flour with a similar proportion of sesame oil or mustard oil.

Wrinkles and Dark shadows

These are the bane of every smart woman past the age of twenty five and how hard she tries not to acknowledge their presence. A simple household therapy to rid yourself of them, at least temporarily, is to massage your face in the morning and evening. You could also try immersing some gooseberries, either fresh or dried, in water overnight, and washing your face with the extract next morning.

Skin Ailments by Ayurvedic herb treatment

Itchiness, eczema, ringworm and boils are painful eruptions that can make life miserable for even the most sanguine among us.

Try drinking the juice of half a lemon stirred in cold water on empty stomach every morning. Massage the skin with Margose oil every night before going to bed

If you find the smell of neem offensive, mix it with sandalwood oil.

Alternatively boil ten to twenty leaves of neem in a cup of water. Sieve the water and drink the decoction once a day on an empty stomach.

Small Pox management by Ayurvedic Herbs Treatment

Make a paste of orange peels by mixing it with water and rose water and grinding it. 
Massage it on the face for five minutes daily. 
If you exercise, eat properly, relax and have regular massage of till oil or mustard oil twice a week and sleep at proper time, you will never have any cause for complaint as far as your face is concerned.

For more details contact
Dr. Reetu gupta

Monday 7 July 2014


Tuberculosis or TB in popular parlance is the general name for the group of the disease caused by the tiny organism, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, of which pulmonary tuberculosis, or phthisis, is the most important. Little lumps or tubercles form in the part affected which become soft and suppurate as the disease advances.

Symptoms Of Tuberculosis or TB 

Slight rise of temperature, generally in the evening, night sweats, discharge of blood with phlegm and extensive bleeding from the lungs in the final stages bring on death. It is one of the most highly contagious diseases which have afflicted mankind. It may affect the bones, the membranes of the brain, leading to meningitis or the glands when it is called Scrofula. It may be caused when a person pricks himself with anything sharp infected with the germs or inhalation of particles mixed with the tiny microbe.

But the main factor responsible for the disease is the susceptibility to it, as a constitution weakened by continuous ill health, a lowered power of resistance, hereditary, an unhealthy atmosphere, excessive use of intoxicants, over indulgence in sex, asthma and disease of the metabolism like diabetes. It is disease of filth and poverty and does not attack person living in clean surrounding and having sufficient means to feed themselves properly.

Treatment of tuberculosis has two aspects:
The preventive aspect is more social than medical. It is from the slums that the disease starts its fatal march. Provision of clean, healthy surroundings with properly ventilated and clean houses is the first imperative. Detection and isolation of the victims of the disease is the second most important thing that can be done. Thirdly, the diet is of primary importance. Plenty of milk, butter, eggs, black gram or its pulse, gourds of the various varieties, turnips, beet root, spinach and other green vegetables ,fruits etc. are the other preventives. As has been stated earlier, it is a disease of filth and poverty.

Ayurvedic herbs treatment for Tuberculosis(TB)

Ayurveda recommends Vasa for Tuberculosis. One ounce of the juice from the leaves of the drugs given thrice a day with honey provides relief but the drug of choice is Naradiya Mahalakshmi Vilas Rasa which contains traces of gold. It should be administered in three grains each in the day.

Swarna Vasant Malti is the drug in cases where there is excessive fever, sweating, and burning sensation on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Rudanti given in 2 gms doses twice daily reduces the virulence of the disease.

Drakshaasava should be administered in one ounce doses after meals. It should be mixed with equal quantity of water. Chyavana prash awaleha is another wonderful remedy to give strength and sustenance to the patient.

Dried fruits particularly dried grapes, almond oil etc. are useful in the condition. Drumsticks, patola and kundru are the best vegetables recommended for a consumptive patient. Product of the goat, its milk, flesh and even urine are useful for a TB patient.

May GOD bless you with health n happiness
Ayurevdic Consultation and Treatment for Tuberculosis By Bhatia Ayurveda in Karnal

Dr Mukesh Bhatia
Dr Ritu Bhatia
Address:1873, Sec 6,
Karnal (Haryana) 132001 - India.
Contact No: +919215567044

Friday 4 July 2014

What is Ayurveda by Dr. Mukesh Bhatia | Bhatia Ayurveda KarnaL

Ayurveda means ‘’science of life’’. Charaka had defined Ayurveda as the science through the help of which one can obtain knowledge about the happy and miserable types of life. The social medicine which is treated as a new concept in modern system of medicine is nothing but it is that has been preached and propounded in Ayurveda more than 2500 years before.

Ayurveda helps you in getting rid of disease as Ayurveda consider individual as a whole for treatment not only the affected part of the body. Ayurvedic medicines have centuries of traditional experience behind them. Although certain toxic materials are used for preparation of medicine but they are always detoxicated and made acceptable for the body before administration. 

The material scattered in the Vedas was collected and systematically grouped and they are called ‘’Samhitas’’. 

According to ancient Indians, the treatises  that encompasses the whole knowledge of Universe are the Vedas. They are Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. Atharvaveda mainly deals with different facet of health welfare. 

It is fundamental principle of Ayurvedic treatment that excess or deficiency of any of substance is countermanded by the use of suitable contrary substances. The medicine used in Ayurveda is of herbal, mineral and animal origin. 

Ayurvedic treatments is generally based on the theory of Tridoshas , which indicate an individual’s resistance to the infection and ability to respond to varieties of medication . Therefore Ayurvedic medicines don't kill an infection the way antibiotics do, instead they strengthen the body’s immune system to fight the disease or infection. 

Ayurveda provides two levels of detoxification treatments, first involves normalizing digestion i.e. palliative treatment.

Most individual suffer from an accumulation of toxins, undigested food particles or waste materials. These not only cause disease but also block the assimilation. 

Most disease are Ama related like allergies, arthritis and cancer. 

Almost everyone can benefit from mild detoxification in the spring season with the rising of heat and produce of growth externally, internal toxins which have been accumulated in the winter season began to surface. It is important to eliminate them at the time so they do not cause disease through the summer season. 

Ayurvedic diagnosis of disease is based on three biological humors; treatment is according to the six tastes. The six tastes are sweet, sour, pungent, bitter, salty and astringent. Each taste has its specific therapeutic action .Eg. Sweet taste is building and strengthening to all body tissue. It is demulcent.
Salty taste is softening, laxative and sedative 

These six tastes can be combined for various therapeutic actions .Pungent and bitter combine well for their drying and cleaning action. 

Generally, all the disease an individual is prone to can be treated through methods of balancing the constitution. This constitutional approach is the essence of Ayurveda. It gives Ayurveda broad powers for disease prevention, health maintenance and longevity enhancement as well as treatments of the disease. Though it can prescribe a life span for our self as individuals, for health maintenance and to optimize our human and creative potential 

Dr. Mukesh bhatia, An Ayurvedic practitione, practicing at Bhatia Ayurveda more than 15 years has the specializing in Sexual dysfunctions, Respiratory disorders, Gastrointestinal disorders, Nervous dysfunctions, Spine problems, Cardiac disease as well as Skin problems.

With Ayurveda, you can get rid of disease only one thing, you must have, and that is patience.

Ayurveda can provide you good health in this fast moving World 
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia helps you in getting this vibrant health with the help of balancing energy, Rejuvenation ,Tonification , Purification, Purgation, Palliation and Detoxification.

He also guides you to increase the spiritual power in you .  

Pranayam, gems , mantra and meditation have the power to improve the aura  but gems  and mantra are specifically for individuals for whom they are made of . 

He has the power to guide you according to illness.
Ayurvedic and Yogic life -Regimes are given to harmonize our natures to allow the divine grace a field to work in.

Dr. Ritu Gupta  
A Gynecologist helps you in treatment for Infertility, Menopause related problems, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding ,urinary problems  Breast disorders, Poly cystic ovarian syndrome and carcinomas. 

B.A.M.S M.D(A.M)
Head of Department - Ayurveda MEDICINE
you can check our credential at

May GOD bless you with health n happiness
Dr Mukesh Bhatia
Dr Ritu Bhatia
Address:1873, Sec 6,
Karnal (Haryana) 132001 - India.
Contact No: +919215567044
Web Url 1:
Web Url 2:

Thursday 3 July 2014



Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils – the small lymphoid tissue behind the tongue on either side of the pharynx. Modern medicine believes the disease to be caused by an organism, hemolytic streptococcus, and latest research has reached the conclusion that the tonsils act as barrier to infection. The mechanism whereby they tend to fight infection has not yet been identified but observations have confirmed the view that children whose tonsils have been removed are more susceptible to infection than others. A body of opinion has, therefore arisen which frowns upon surgical interference in obstinate cases of tonsillitis.


 The onset of tonsillitis is manifested by a sudden pain in swallowing, a sensation of chilliness and fever. On visual examination the tonsils are found to be enlarged, engorged and covered with a varying amount of whitish or grey material, the purulent discharge. Inflammation is not restricted to the tonsils and generally the whole of the throat is involved. The glands under the jaws are also inflamed and tender touch. In severe cases, there may be pain in the ear. These symptoms, particularly in children and adults up to the age of 18 years should not be ignored because they might be the precursor of rheumatic fever, a serious condition.

 Ayurveda’s call this condition as Tundikeri or Galayu which is usually associated with attacks of cough and cold. Constipation and other disorders of the digestive system are liable to participate the attack. In severe cases there may be difficulty in breathing too in addition to fever and a coated tongue.

Treatment With Ayurvedic Herbs for Tonsillitis 

 The treatment of tonsillitis must start with hot fomentation of the front of the neck and steps should be taken to keep the region warm.
Twelve gram of  Banafsha flowers boiled in 50ml. of milk is a useful home remedy for tonsillitis.
The milk should be filtered and drunk.
The filtered Banafsha flowers should be lightly fried in ghee and worn round the throat as a poultice at night.
Decoction of the bark of the Acacia tree mixed with rock salt should be used for gargles.
If that is not easy to come by, saline gargles should be restored to.
The powder of vasti madhu , vacha , kulanjan made into paste with honey should be used as a linctus. The drug of choice is, of course, Khadiradi vati, recommended for intractable cases of cough.
 Roots of vacha and sati may be ground in milk and a paste prepared. It can be used as nasal drops to relieve the congestion.

 In chronic cases Agastya Rasayana used in bronchitis is of immediate help. It should be taken twice daily with honey. A continuous use for six months will grant immunity from the disease.

Soup of meat and lentils like moong are recommended for patients suffering from tonsillitis. Bland, soft foods, gruel and lukewarm liquids are the best. Chilies and other condiments should be avoided as they tend to irritate the throat

May GOD bless you and your Family with best of Health and Happiness always

For treatment of any type of gland disease contact
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia
Call : 91-9215567044

Please Feel free to write your questions and opinion in below comment box

Tuesday 1 July 2014


Prostate enlargement is common in old age with weakening of sexual function. This disease is generally related to old age but it can also happen in younger men through excessive sexual practices or from undue suppression of ejaculation. Modern medical treatment generally regards it as an infection and uses antibiotics.

Enlarged Prostate 

The best general herb is gokshura particularly when combined with ashwagandha. Shilajit is also useful. The western herb saw palmetto is effective for specially vata type.


Most commonly it is a vata disorder and comes in vata stage of life. Symptoms of prostate enlargement include low back pain, low energy, and constipation. Treatment involves anti vata diet and spices like garlic and onion. Other helpful herbs in this condition are bala, kapikachu, guggulu, and marshmallow. Formula includes Ashwagandha compound, Gokshur guggulu.


Pitta type involves infection, swelling and fever. The urine will be dark yellow or red. Treatment is similar to that for urinary tract infection, with the addition of cooling and diuretic herbs.

Lemon grass tea is the easiest remedy that can be taken regularly.

Kapha type is due to water retention and excess phlegm. Treatment is similar to that for Oedema. Hot spicy diuretics can be used…cinnamon, ginger, cloves, cubes and juniper berries. shilajit is the most important drug.

May GOD bless you and your Family with best of Health and Happiness always

For treatment of ENLARGED PROSTRATE contact
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia
Call : 91-9215567044

Please Feel free to write your questions and opinion in below comment box